Monday, January 30, 2006


Capitalism Works!

And, it's fun to watch.
THE museum set up by the French authorities to commemorate the D-Day landings is struggling under a mountain of debt amid a sharp decline in the number of visitors.

The Memorial Museum in Caen, Normandy, has been accused of mismanagement for turning its back on the Second World War to concentrate on subjects from feminism to Father Christmas. In recent months the museum has focused efforts on transforming itself into a ?place of reflection on the contemporary world?.
Let's see, Thousands of Americans and Brits invade Europe to liberate France, but France, typically, decides memorializing that is too prosaic - ignoring how they even came to have the ability to have the place to begin with, and the silence is deafening.

Sometimes, you just have to love it when a plan comes together.

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