Saturday, January 07, 2006
Comic Art

He was the Flash's nephew -- Wally West who just happened to be in the same kind of place and suffered the same kind of accident his uncle did, giving him exactly the same powers. Made me wish for a superpowered uncle!
Well Wally is THE Flash now. His uncle has moved on and Wally has inherited the red tights.

This image representes the first time he put on the Kid Flash outfit and it was spectacular. As you can see they have managed to improve on the original design.
For some reason playing with the colors on the Flash has always been a big deal. One of Flash's arch-nemisis is "Reverse Flash" - a character who has the same power, but is evil and whose costume is the Flash's in reverse. It was way cool the first time you saw it and I think that is part of the appeal of Kid Flash, the yellow, but enough of the red in the pants to let you know he's a good guy.
Anyway, Kid Flash is certainly the best looking of the sidekicks ever and he is the only one to grow up and take the name.