Saturday, January 28, 2006
Comic Art

The coolest thing about the JSA is the concept of generations. Mr. Terrific was, as you see on this cover, originally a Golden Age hero. As a kid. I thought the whole "FairPlay" emblazoned on his gut was just too, too, but in my advancing middle age I have come to appreciate this hero more and more.
We all know the theory of epic heroes, they all it seems must be born of tragedy, and have some sort of tragic flaw -- that's what makes the character interesting. Superman suffered for the longest time from the lack of a tragic flaw (kryptonite is a weekness, but not a character flaw.)

What I have come to appreciate from the story though is how fulfillment is found by putting the needs of others in front of your own. That's a rare thing in people, and in this day and age, a rare thing in heroes. Modern heroes seek to avenge, or to act out some obsessive drive created by a huge tragedy or the accident that gave them power. Rare is the hero that does good for good's sake and finds fulfillment precisely from that sacrifice.

While a little more "realistic" this character and his legend is lacking in the utter altruism of the original. He is still "purer" than the average hero these days, but his edges are rougher. He's selling a lot more comics than the original ever could, but somehow I miss that corny, utterly altruistic guy. Our world could use more of them - in reality and in legend.
Related Tags: comics, comic books, superheroes, Mister Terrific, Justrice Socity of America, JSA, art