Saturday, January 07, 2006


Faith Without Works... dead.

So the Broken Messenger reminds us in this great post on justification and sanctification.
It is a dangerous thing for the Christian to confuse being justified by faith (justification) with being sanctified through faith (sanctification), or to think that being justified by Christ trumps being sanctified in Christ. And so many, even though they acknowledge that a holy life is to be lived out through a faith in Christ, use a faulty perception of justification to excuse and dismiss their habitual sins.
Jesus did not come to merely "save us." Imagine - do you want to spend the rest your life floating down a river nearly drowned only to be pulled out every day? I think not, I think we would like to learn to stop falling in the river.

Jesus came that we might have abundant life - It is high time more Christians claimed that life.


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