Friday, January 13, 2006


Judicial Driftwood

Al Mohler points to an article the acknowledges that a leftward drift in judges is real, but concludes that that's ok becasue they are just smarter than the rest of us. That's actually a really old charge - "conservatives are stupid."

But the best comments of the day, I think, came first from Mark Steyn appearing on Hugh Hewitt who described the Senate as "an abomination."

Which leads me to the one I loved most, Eric Hogue, substituting for Dennis Prager, called the hearings "made for TV." His point was that the Dems, knowing they are going to lose, are using the opportunity to play for the cameras, and thus their base. I think he's right.

Reflecting on that, it dawned on me that Eric is more right than he knows. It is made for TV. The problem is that Dem Senate staffers, after all none of the Senators have an original idea - they are working from the scripts prepared by their staffers, and the base only watch Jerry Springer. Think about it -- what has their behavior most resembled?

Alito's handling of the hearings has been politcally masterful. He was a parabolic mirror -- simply focusing, brighting, and illuminating the behavior of the Senate Dems -- much to their chagrin.


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