Monday, January 02, 2006



Last week I said there was no pollution for the holiday, but this wekk there are some links worth perusing:

Smoking remains legal, if shunned, but if some get their way, fire will be banned.

An important question exisits concerning terrorism and industrial chemicals. The NYTimes continues to beat the drum on this issue. The problem here is a tough one. Many small companies have large chemical inventories, large enough to cause considerable damage, and death, in the event of a terrorist attack on thier facilities. They are already forced, by law, to incur huge expense to prevent and mitigate accidents. Laws to create the same safeguards from terrorist event at the company's expense will put many, if not most out of business.

You want to kow the real problem? Existing law already makes information aabout how much material, where and how it is stored publicly available on the Internet. In otherwords, existing law gives terrorists some of the best planning tools they could wish for. How about before we create laws forcing these companies to spend more money, the government spend some to secure the information.

The law of unintended consequences continues to pay havoc with 'environmentalists.'

The NYTimes also continues to hammer on gold mining. Things to remember. 1) Gold mining is nothing compared to other forms of mining - it's just easier to pick on because the profits are so high. 2) The places in Nevada where it is going on were useless and virtually uninhabitable for centuries prior to the mining, so what if we are leaving it that way.


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