Monday, January 23, 2006



I must start with this absolutely irresistable piece:
Williams said the truck leaked about 1,000 gallons of milk which flowed into the gutter and storm sewer. Considered a hazardous material, the milk had to be cleaned up by a special crew that tried to remove as much milk as possible from the storm sewer, he said.
Can there be better proof that we are over-regulated? Milk? Hazardous?

We haven't looked at global warming silliness for a while, but apparently I have done so at worldwide peril. It's amazing:

Warm weather 'to boost food bugs'

Climate culprit for frog deaths

It's Over, We're Doomed -- The Gaia Hypothesis

Now,in the contrary camp, this is a riot:
He said government plans could be summed up as: "If you must [create waste] then preferably recycle it, failing that burn it to make electricity, and only bury what is left."

Ministers believed more burning was justified as it provided a green source of energy, reduced our dependence on foreign fuel, and health risks from emissions were small, our correspondent said.
But burning is the source of greenhouse gases???!!! Speaking of which, here is a sober look at the ramifications of Kyoto (subscriptions required)
The Kyoto environmental protocol committed nations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. By this standard, the pact's biggest fans, the Europeans, are failing. And what about the U.S., the global villain for withdrawing approval of the accord in 2001? It's doing very well, thank you.
Finally on the subject of global warming, here is a story about what it is not:

Irrigation Fuels Warmer Temps in California's Central Valley

This is a real, but local, event. Just because it is a bit warmer in the central valley does not mean the world is warmer. Trust me on this, you can't see that far.

And finally, finally - since we haven't run out of oil as originally predeicted, we are now going to run out of metals. Uh-huh.

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