Monday, January 16, 2006


Remembering KELO

YOu remember that very controversial Supreme Corut Decision last year - KELO et al. v. CITY OF NEW LONDON et al. In it the powers of eminent domain and the government's right to do "takings" was greatly explanded. Well, it did not take long for that envelope to get puhed a bit more
A year after Los Angeles seized three acres from a private company to construct a public building, a city councilman wants to sell the land to another private firm for a commercial development.

Both companies are furniture manufacturers. But executives with the company that would buy the land have political connections and have made $17,600 in campaign contributions to key city leaders.
Now, decisions have not be made yet, and enough time has lapsed between the taking and the possible resale for all involved to claim they are not connected, this is all just a coincidence. - Yeah.

Bad ideas never stop where we think they are going to. Even if you agree with KELO, you cannot possibly agree with this bit or corruption, can you? And yet here we are. Do you wonder if the SCOTUS ever looks farther that the next week when it makes a decision? That's why appointments like Roberts and Alito matter so much.

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