Saturday, February 18, 2006


Comic Art

So, let's say you have an accident and are struck blind. If all your senses are enhanced you become Daredevil, but that is not what happened here. Sorry Stan, Hornhead wasn't the first blind superhero. No in this case, you develop the ability to see in complete darkenss, and with such an ability you have no choice but to don a costume and join the Justice Society as Doctor Midnite. And if your best friend is an owl, so much the better.

In a break with the classic pattern the JSA title has adopted, the modern version is virtually identical to the Golden Age version. They muted the colors and modified the boot and gloves some, but that's about it. Good idea, bad idea? To my mind not the best -- those goggles are just too goofy.

The legend of the modern version is interesting. He's a medical doctor with an underground network of clinics that would make an HMO envious. He's training junkies that he dries out to be his nurses. Noble intentions, but worrisome from my perspective. Have him rail against the medical care system absolutley, its so broke I'm not sure it can be fixed, but the things he are doing just make me wornder what he has done illegally to fund it.

On the plus side, for a super group to have a resident Doc is a first, and interesting. I kind like seeing my superheroes get injured and recover just like the rest of us.

The current Doc Midnite is a bit of an enigma to the rest of the JSA - I guess it goes with the territory of being a night-stalker and all that, but in the end it just leaves an unsatisfactory character. Of the current JSA, he is, I think, the weakest link. His image has been integral to the JSA forever, but the current character needs a rework.

Hey, there may be the seed for that comic book I want to write before I die!

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