Tuesday, February 14, 2006


The Interface: Science, Faith, and Society

Given last week's dive by Rick Warren et.al. into global warming (Here is Cheat Seeking Missiles' coverage of same), and last Sunday's designation as "Evolution Sunday" (Al Mohler comments here), the interface called out in the title is getting a lot of press this week.

When you couple that with the fact that I am currently reading Total Truth by Nancy Pearcey (I know, I'm a little behind the curve - so sue me), my mind is a a bit of a seething cauldron on the topic. How did we get here? The sloppy thinking, the charge without basis, the majoring in the minors as Mark Daniels put it, on all sides of this discussion is so pervasive and so complete that it has become a Gordian Knot from which I fear there is no escape.

Just some thoughts in no order

That last comment is to my way of thinking the meat of the matter. For Christians the "battle" here is not a battle of ideas, nor is it a battle of laws and governments. It is the struggle that God has fought with us, and on our behalf, since not long after he created us, it's the spiritual war - The war for our souls and the souls of all that we love.

That war is fought on many fronts - apologetics and public policy included - but in the end winning the war is all that matters. If I lose the apologetics battle but win the war, so be it. If I lose the public policy battle but win the war, all the better. I think all Christians need to bear that in mind. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our individual battle that forget the war. We do so at out peril. When we lose that perspective,we make our particular battle an idol, and then we have lost the war for our own souls.

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