Saturday, February 25, 2006


Stuck With The Stars

So the wife and I are heading for our trip to the Columbia River area. We're hanging in the Burbank airport and who do we spy but these guys getting on the plane with us. Yep, Mark and Brian - morning "shock jocks." They are not nearly as adolescent in person as they are on their show. One of them (excuse me, I don't know who's who) sat in front of me and actually excused himself before he reclined his seat - that's a first in more flights than I can count. Imagine that, excessive manners from a "shock jock."

Speaking of shock jocks, quick, who's the official movie star of the Hugh Hewitt show? That's right - Clint Howard! Clint was on the flight too. I asked him if he had ever been recognized in public before as the official movie star of the Hugh Hewitt show and he replied that that was a first. Had quite a nice conversation with Clint, he is as great a guy in person as he seems on screen and when he calls Hugh's show.

Unfortunately, despite the immense fame this blog affords me, none of these famous people had ever heard of me before. But you have to admit, that's a lot of public figures for one regional jet flight from Burbank to Portland!

Wonder who we'll see going home?

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