Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Environmental Pogram Proposed

I find this almost unbelievable, it belies a complete misunderstanding of how the world actually works.
Farming poses the biggest threat to fresh water supplies, according to a major United Nations report.

Farms are consuming more water as the world population increases and as people turn to a Western diet, one of the scientists on the report said.

Agriculture uses two-thirds of water taken from aquifers and other rivers.
Modern agricultrual technique literally sustains human life on this planet, without it we simply could not produce enough food to feed the existing population. And yes that includes the use of pesticides and herbicides and fertilizers and all the rest. Their proposal?
The UN concludes that ending subsidies on pesticides and fertilisers, and realistic pricing on water, would reduce demand and pollution.
REDUCE DEMAND?! That means less food production and that means less for people to eat and that means....

There are things that can be done to better manage water resources in the agricultural sector, of that there is no doubt, but that's not what they are talking about, they are talking about using less and producing less food.

I just hope this is out of ignorance and not something more diabolical.

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