Saturday, March 11, 2006


The Indiana Coaching Race Heats Up

You can tell -- the Indianapolis Star has decided to kick Bob Knight around again.

Hoosiers tell Knight: Stay in Texas

I have to be honest - this really hacks me off. Everybody with an ounce of sense is over the Knight firing, nobody but the diehard Knight-o-phile is talking about bringing him back, so why poll it? - which is what the story is about, and particularly why lead the story with that poll question?

Because the Indianapolis Star has all sorts of egg all over its face for supporting Davis way past when he was supportable, presumably because he was not Knight. It's no secret, Knight made pretty much ever reporter in the country look foolish at some point or another. The good ones took it in the spirit it was offered and moved on - Dick Vitale comes to mind, but the small-minded just can't resist the opportunity to kick the man when he is long gone and very happy where he is.

I find it amazing that there is room in a major city paper for this kind of personal vendetta garbage - even on the sports page. Get over it guys, he's moved on, so should you.

Speaking of bad reporting, Bob Kravitz thinks it should be Motta who I mentioned earlier. Kravitz never has quite gotten basketball in Indiana and this piece proves it. Says Kravitz of Motta
OK, so he's not a member of The Family.
Uh, Bob - Thad's a Butler grad - a couple of years behind me - he coached Butler to one of it's best seasons ever, especially in the post-Hinkle era. I've said it before, for the last six years, Butler is the place that has kept the real tradition of basketball in Indiana alive. Trust me, Thad's "in the family" - He's just not an IU alum.
Regarding Thad, I stand by my earlier opinion - he is not yet sufficiently proven to justify what it would take to get him to IU. I would not be upset if that's who it is, but He would not be my first choice.

As to the rest of Kravitz' "list", only Montgomery, formerly of Stanford, is worth a second glance, particularly when it comes to preserving the traditions that matter at IU. The fact that he brings up Rick Pitino shows that Kravitz just does not get it.

I'm still thinking a young, but excellent, guy - though I am not as confident about that as I once was. The pressure is pretty intense, a young guy, no matter how good he is, might have a hard time handling that. I'm not giving up the idea, just adding a caution.

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