Tuesday, March 21, 2006
The Terrorbuster Saga

Welcome to my experiment in serialized fiction. Regular readers know that I love comics, and devoted readers know that I would like, once in the life, to write and have drawn up and published a superhero comic story. How to do that?
Well, I could write a story for one of the comicdom's established characters and shlep it from comiccon to comiccon and have the publishers read it, tell me "Good, but not good enough" go back and work it over and start shlepping again. That is not an appealing process to man with his own thriving business who just wants to do this once, albeit well - not establish a new career.
Besides, they do not generally take submissions concerning the big-selling primary characters, they usually only look at stuff for "minor-appearance-in-four-panels-in-the-Avengers-man." I have a hard time dreaming up stories for that guy.
So, I decided to invent my own guy and serialize him here. Maybe, if I'm really lucky, a comic publisher will find this and like it enough to drop me an email - unlikely, but hey, allow a guy his fanatasies.
In the meantime, I hope Blogotional readers will enjoy the story. I've wanted superheroes in Great War On Terror fray since it started. Superheroes have their roots in fighting the nation's enemies and I would love to have them rediscover those roots. This story is my take on that.
Like a lot of superheroes, we start with an origin story, this one part Jack Ryan and part Nick Fury. If you like it and would like to see more, please leave a comment, otherwise, our hero's adventures will likely begin and end with his origin.
You will be able to keep up with this story in a beginning-to-end fashion at a blog I have set up expressiely for that purpose. You'll also see it linked near the top of the sidebar.
I hope you'll join me here next week for another installment in the Terrorbuster Saga.
Related Tags: fiction, comics, comicbooks, story, GWOT, superhero