Tuesday, March 14, 2006


This Is A Little Frustrating

Last week I blogged about beauty as an indicator of God and a reflection thereof. This post over at AnotherThink seems to agree with that point.
Without a doubt, the world is falling into decay. War, famine, disease and hatred have sown ugliness and horror everywhere. But God's fingerprints are still visible, both in the natural world and in the unfailing strength of human love and compassion. We have only to stop and take notice of the beauty.
In my post, I opine that if beauty is indeed indicative of God, it must therefore be objectively definable because God Himself is objective. The AnotherThink piece seems to disagree
Are these things intrinsically beautiful? Probably not. Objectivity gets shoved aside by emotion. Our minds (and hearts) filter and reorganize. We idealize. We soften the focus of the lens.

Which means that beauty is not perfection, but a value judgment. A beautiful thing can be flawed, and in such a world as ours it always is. When we call something beautiful, it is as much an act of grace as appreciation. We are not saying it is perfect, only it is perfect in our eyes.
So I must put the question to you - Are "God's fingerprints" purely subjective?

I, for one, cannot live with such a notion. Such makes the case that God is somehow our invention instead of us His creation.

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