Friday, March 17, 2006
The Value Of Process
Blogcorner Preacher looks at a John Piper piece asking the very essential question
John Luke arrives at a great point, using Piper to make it
But it struck me reading through this stuff of the real value of this mystery - that God in fact wants, in some sense, the disease AND He wants us working to eradicate it. That's not self-contradictory if you consider that the value is in the process and not in the product. The very fact that this seeming self-contradiction forces us to rely on God's infinite wisdom makes it of immense value.
Related Tags: disease, cure, God's soveriegnty, Christianity, faith, mystery
If God Wills Disease Why Should We Try to Eradicate It?
John Luke arrives at a great point, using Piper to make it
For now, however, I'm content to let the question rest, unanswered, with these words from John Piper:The mystery, of course, lies in God and I have no problem with a mysterious God - if I understood Him He wouldn't be much of a God.God does not permit things willy-nilly. He permits things for a reason. There is infinite wisdom in all he does and all he permits. So what he permits is part of his plan just as much as what he does more directly.
But it struck me reading through this stuff of the real value of this mystery - that God in fact wants, in some sense, the disease AND He wants us working to eradicate it. That's not self-contradictory if you consider that the value is in the process and not in the product. The very fact that this seeming self-contradiction forces us to rely on God's infinite wisdom makes it of immense value.
Related Tags: disease, cure, God's soveriegnty, Christianity, faith, mystery