Thursday, March 16, 2006


When Language Fails...

...maybe it is trying to tell us something. Consider this article from LiveScience.
In a study published last month in the journal for the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vermeij reviewed 23 evolutionary innovations traditionally considered to be unique in the history of life. These included things like genetic code, sex, bird feathers, turtle shells and human language.

Vermeij also reviewed another 55 innovations that evolved more than once in the history of life among unrelated species. Scientists call such instances of repeat innovations "convergent evolution." Some of the cases of convergent evolution that Vermeij examined were multicellularity, eyes, ears, and venom injection.
[emphasis added]
How can an unguided, completely naturalisitic, random process be said to "innovate?" Does not the use of that word imply some sort of intelligence behind the developments?

Convergence is a statistical phenomena. For example, the more time you flip a coin, the more the odds will zero-in on 50-50, but when systems get this complex we are into the realm of chaos theory which also has a covergence phenomena, but where it will converge is extremely sensitive to very small variations - the old butterfly wing makes a tornado thing - an idea which would tend to blow this guy's thesis all to pot. Meaning that for evolution to converge it must be something other than a purely random happening - indicating something is behind it.

Bottom line for Blogotional is this - you want to function in an entirely naturalistic wordlview - by all means, just keep your language and ideas consistent.

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