Friday, June 02, 2006


Let The Links Roll

The truth is told. But "we were only kidding". No your Honor, I wasn't really trying to shoot him when I pointed the loaded gun, and pulled the trigger - I was just making a joke. Too little, way too late.

I hope this is true.

One of the many reasons I love Monty Python.

Love you Dadmanly, but no third party of any sort. If the Congress is not responsive, its because most citizens aren't holding them accountable. You want a responsive Congress? - Get active, and get others active.

Never let a guy with knowledge and a lab get bored or stuff like this happens. We're just kinda like that.

It pleases me to know that not all the anti-Catholic bigotry in the world comes from the "truly Reformed."

I have got to open a fast food joint!

A new resource? (HT: Reformed Angler)

Thank God for the word 'former.'

Risk assesssment - the black art of environmental policy. You can make it come out almost anyway you want.

I am not responsible for this vaguely tasteless joke, but it did make me laugh.

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