Saturday, July 29, 2006
Comic Art

I have to be honest here, I remember the character - visually - but I had to look up information on his history, incarnations, the whole nine yards. Trust me, when I don't remember, you are talking deep second stringer.
As I have said before, it's the look that matters and depicted here is the original, classic look, later looks got, as comics in general have, darker and darker.

So what is it that gets readers attention? Given how little story was devoted to the guy, you have to think it's the look. Two things make this guy very distinguishable that I like.

The second distinctive element is the mask and those things coming off the eyes, they just look good. Both elements were maintained in the second incarnation, though muted to attain the requisite "darkness."
I have included this photo here because any character that has achieved enough fan base to warrant an action figure has achieved something, but alas, aside from teaming up with people, I'd be hard pressed to know what this guy did accomplish - except look cool.
Related Tags: comics, comic books, comic art, Nighthawk, Defenders