Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Following A Meme

Because I am on vacation and don;t want to work hard to write anything. Source: Thinklings.

1. A book that made you cry
The Death of Superman

2. A book that scared you
Almost any Swamp Thing

3. A book that made you laugh
The Water Method Man by John Irving.

4. A book that disgusted you
I refuse to answer on the grounds that someone might go looking for it.

5. A book you loved in elementary school
Any Batman

6. A book you loved in middle school
Any Batman

7. A book you loved in high school
Classical Comedy - Greek and Roman I had no idea the Three Stooges were that old.

8. A book you loved in college
Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds

9. A book that challenged your identity or your faith
Mere Christianity

10. A series that you love
Chronicles of Narnia or The Dirk Pitt Books

11. Your favorite horror book
Horror should be in the movies not books

12. Your favorite science-fiction book

13. Your favorite fantasy book

14. Your favorite mystery book
You figure it out

15. Your favorite biography
The Last Lion

16. Your favorite coming-of-age book
The Teen Titans

17. Your favorite book not on this list

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