Thursday, July 27, 2006


I Did It - My Links!

You want ot charge theocracy? Call me when you see stories like this here.

And here I thought they only sold insurance.

As a counterbalance to this post I wrote, consider this post iMonk wrote. (HT: CGO) I don't think we are opposed here - both are true.

Terrorism alert!

I am almost completely libertarian when it comes to matters of health and particularly weight, so stuff like this author discusses ticks me off.

Who said snakes were satanic?

Res Ispa Locquitor And then, contradicting myself, I add - if you don't get it, you need to remove yourself from the discussion.

Is it just me, or does this strike you as a headline that Mel Brooks wrote?

A little too realistic. There is value in watching your money phsically taken from you.

I alwasy figure "dumb crooks" is redundant; however sometimes they can produce a chuckle like here and here.

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