Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Linkin's Log Cabin
Rick well summarizes the whole discussion about proportionality in the current Middle East conflict. However, there is nothing like a visual aid.
Speaking of that silly argument, here we look at some of the root issues that underlie it.
I will side with the Interfaith Stewardship Alliance over the Evangelical Climate Initiative any day. However, arguing over who can care for the poor better just strikes me as troublesome. It exposes the "poor argument" for what it really is, a pretense to involve the political power of church in a matter where it should stand on the sidelines.
I am a total geek. My wife tells me that is not news.
Watch California swelter as temperatures rise and available power doesn't. (HT: California Insider)
We should preach Christ, not ourselves, as Paul affirmed. Well said.
Anatomy on the loose here and here. Some day yesterday.
I love Macedonia, and it is good to see it get a little tourism press. However, horning in on Alexander the Great's image will get them in trouble with the Greeks. Long story, but when I left Macedonia for Greece, the Greeks mutilated the Macedonian section of my passport for that reason.
Gotta get one!
Ilike my Scotch whiskey filtered through peat, but I don't know about Psalms.
There are probably several posts in responding to this, but I'm just too busy. The guy has a point, but I think he takes it a step to far. For one, the Presbyterian process cannot be analogized to the Pope. A decision by many is far more difficult to corrupt than an individual, but it is still corruptable. With the one there is no recourse, with the many we have the option to wake up, work hard and correct it.
All swim!
Why the ungrateful... (This smells like joke tied to promotion to me, but what's Yahoo news get out of it?)
Snakes in the mail.
Related Tags: proportionality, courage, faith and environment, geek, California heat, preaching, process, Presbyterian, joke, humor
Speaking of that silly argument, here we look at some of the root issues that underlie it.
I will side with the Interfaith Stewardship Alliance over the Evangelical Climate Initiative any day. However, arguing over who can care for the poor better just strikes me as troublesome. It exposes the "poor argument" for what it really is, a pretense to involve the political power of church in a matter where it should stand on the sidelines.
I am a total geek. My wife tells me that is not news.
Watch California swelter as temperatures rise and available power doesn't. (HT: California Insider)
We should preach Christ, not ourselves, as Paul affirmed. Well said.
Anatomy on the loose here and here. Some day yesterday.
I love Macedonia, and it is good to see it get a little tourism press. However, horning in on Alexander the Great's image will get them in trouble with the Greeks. Long story, but when I left Macedonia for Greece, the Greeks mutilated the Macedonian section of my passport for that reason.
Gotta get one!
Ilike my Scotch whiskey filtered through peat, but I don't know about Psalms.
There are probably several posts in responding to this, but I'm just too busy. The guy has a point, but I think he takes it a step to far. For one, the Presbyterian process cannot be analogized to the Pope. A decision by many is far more difficult to corrupt than an individual, but it is still corruptable. With the one there is no recourse, with the many we have the option to wake up, work hard and correct it.
All swim!
Why the ungrateful... (This smells like joke tied to promotion to me, but what's Yahoo news get out of it?)
Snakes in the mail.
Related Tags: proportionality, courage, faith and environment, geek, California heat, preaching, process, Presbyterian, joke, humor