Saturday, July 08, 2006


Links Before Leaving

Buck Sargeant sounds like a drill sargeant.

Why we need 60 Republican Senators RIGHT NOW!

Did it ever occur to "scientists" that religion is not their enemy, God is?

A mouthful.

Bizarre beyond comment.


Why math matters more than hyperbole.

You Are Most Like George H. W. Bush

You're considered boring by people that don't know you well. But like Bush senior, you do crazy things.
Maybe you'll end up banning broccoli in your house, or puking on the Prime Minster of Japan!
What Modern US President Are You Most Like?

(HT: Central Park Bench)

Don't do it Putin.

Perhaps this should be our response to the North Korean missle volleys? Wasn;t that the idea during the Cold War? - Match 'em weapon for weapon.

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