Sunday, July 16, 2006
Road Links 8.0

Mesa Verde National Park - the cliff dwellings, that's the top picture there is quite isolated and quite uncrowded as national parks go - Those facts, when coupled with the incredible nature of the dwellings puts it on my highest recommended list.
Monument Valley is a trip to literally almost nowhere, stuck in the middle of a Navajo Reservation, with more services than I expected, but less than the average traveller is willing to cope with, it was worth the desert drive. It is less than one expects based on how it appears in the movies, but spectacular on that level that only the American southwest can deliver. I would recommend it to anybody that understands it's hard to get to, grossly underdeveloped, and hotter than hot.
I must also comment that one is hard pressed not to want to get completely ticked at the Navajo. There near xenophobic insistence on maintaining ther racial and national purity is why it is so isolated and so underdeveloped. They could be living very well if they allowed a little white man capital and did some deals - they could do so without the benefit of gambling.
Anyway, here is some reading for the day...
What a waste of perfectly good bar-b-que fuel...
"Iffy" is kind...
And here I thought poo-poo was for disposal...
I am on a wireless network with a satelitte Internet connection (Yes, that is how isolated Monumnet Valley is) and I cannot stand to work this slow any more. Today we return to the relative civilization of St. George, Utah where the Internet should be great. We do so via Marble Canyon - one of the wife and I's favorite spots on the entire planet.