Saturday, August 12, 2006
Comic Art

She is pretty much Thor, but with a costume not nearly so good looking, and not as memorable, or as likeable. Which pretty well makes her perfect for The Defenders, given they were a band of misfits that never could get along with anybody else.
As with many of the Defenders, I had to look up her back story because I could not remember a thing about it - What's that tell you? Doubtlessly there are fans out there that have spent countless hours collecting information and memorablia for this character since memorabilia would be necessary to remember anything at all about her.
You want to know what I most remember about her? - That when I was at that age that I could find female comic characters tittilating, she failed to meet that standard.

She also was the perfect team player in the sense that she could not carry a story herself and therefore had no problem playing second fiddle to, well just about anybody.
She did have a winged horse, which was way cool, but the horse was underutilized. If I had been writing, I think I would have made the horse the star and her there just for looks.

Now that I write that, I think I have put my finger on exactly why I never cared for this character - all of the curves and none of the femininity - which describes Madonna to me too.
But she was great in a fight, and she was an asset to the Defenders, so I'll cut her some slack. I'll just never invite her over for dinner.
Related Tags: Valkyrie, Comics, comic art, The Defenders