Friday, August 04, 2006


Friday Flinks!

Because if we don't develop new technologies, we "scientists" won;t have anything to do. But, is it porn? You may now consider "climate porn" an offical term on this blog, likely to be overused.

Proof, Pat Robertson is not the brightest bulb in the four-pack.

We don't need to stinking contest. I AM the #1 fan!

Though I don;t anymore, I followed "Shroud science" quite closely for a long time - I have mongraph compendiums in my librayr and actually applied for one of the "expeditions" once - so I found this fascinating. (HT: Brad) The reason I quit this avocational pursuit is because after much prayer and meditation I have concluded God did not want physical evidence of Christ to be left behind for it would be an impediment to faith - the object would be come the idol, as is seen with many relics of extremely specious origin. Does that make me a puritan? - probably, and I have witnessed God using relics to preserve faith in communist countries, but....

This made my head explode.


Water was the first, and remains the most important "environmental issue."

Challenging the assumptions of science, or at least finding it's borders. I still contend science must presume a fully natural system, but once it reaches a point where the supernatural is a rational possibility, it must say it has reached the limits of what it can do.

G.K. Chesterton was a lot of things, but until now I did not think him prophetic.

News d'toilet - here and here.

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