Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Hello Links!

As I came across many, many rememberances and memorials concerning Katrina yesterday, I was struck by the amazing similarities to such things for 9-11. In one sense that is appropriate, victims are victims, regardless of how they are victimized, they deserve our memorial and support. But as we remember the vicitms, let us not forget, one was an act of nature, something out of our control, and one was AN ACT OF WAR - something we must respond to and defend against. Katrina is about our pain, but 9-11 is about so much more.

Oh jeez, this is how trouble starts. Mohler looks at an attempt from an secular environmentalist to reach out to Christians and says this represents a starting point:
Surely we can agree that each species, however inconspicuous and humble it may seem to us at this moment, is a masterpiece of biology and well worth saving. Each species possesses a unique combination of genetic traits that fits it more or less precisely to a particular part of the environment. Prudence alone dictates that we act quickly to prevent the extinction of species and, with it, the pauperization of earth's ecosystems.
Al - THAT'S NO STARTING POINT! Christians can't agree to that - what about dinosaurs? The world is full of evidence of extinction as a part of God's plan, even if you are a young earth creationist. One of the distinct problems of "Christian environmentalism" is there is so little environmental action that can be deemed biblically based unless you KNOW it's what's best for the planet from extra-biblical means - and the extra-biblical means are VALUE-BASED more than data-based, thus you end up compromising the values. Here's an example - polar ice melt of 12 million years ago, tell me again about anthropogenic global warming. Here's another value dilemma that's hard to answer - how to spend the money.

How long before we sterilize them? That's nothing short of Nazi-esque - and it is the problem with 3rd-party payer health care. Speaking of which, why is it severe mental impairment of some sort always shows up when treatment is long term and exspensive? - thus takng the decision out of the patient's hands.

Tornadoes hate trailer parks - even in the UK.

Could it be because there actually is some non-materialistic part of our being? Nah, couldn't be, God must be a function of biology. (Nope, no sarcasm here)

If he reads it, will he give it back? - That would be a GREAT sermon.

This is why image is not as important as substance. Ahnold acted indominable - but alas, it was only acting, and Sacramento ain't the movies.

We do have a low pain threshold.

I knew it, I just knew it - the earth farts - that's were global warming comes from.

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