Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Long Haired Linking Boy

A grand and glorious idea, and one that has lost momentum when it shouldn't have. Speaking of which - credit where credit is due. That such people exist makes me very proud.

If the earth is warming, the ice caps therfore metling, how in the hell can we be short of water?

Blogotional is not on this list - therfore it ain't right. -- Speaking of which - another terribly inadequate list. As a connessuer of reptilian cinema from way back, they missed of number of true classics, like Ssssssssss

Concert recommentation - seriously!

WISDOM: "I have sensed for some time that the foundational doctrine of the Bible may be the doctrine of sin."

One of the best trips of my life was driving I-80, following the transcontenential railroad. But now I need to do it this way. Way Cool!

In the grand scheme of things - do we really need to see this story or does it simple pander to those with a completely broken moral compass?

Some people need to find a new career.

More proof the MSM should not cover religion - or should at least hre genuinely religious people to do so.

This would have been fun. I've always wanted to catch a single electron in a bottle. Jim Croce should have written a song about that!

Say it ain't so! Besides, I don't think the real Superman can get drunk.

So what - I had mine first and with a much cooler paint job.

I've been to such a church. The problem it is not always intentional.

Oh, that's just filthy.

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