Monday, August 07, 2006


No One Wants To Work On A Monday In August Links

Pesbyterian questions, some Presbyterians need to answer.

Rick puts is mildly
Arnold is not a conservative Republican
Although he is preferable to any Democratic alternative - unfortunately.

Ahh, the good life.

Well, this is putting it bluntly. But then that is the norm for Victor Davis Hanson.

Perhaps the most important video you'll ever encounter. It can prevent dying of thirst.

Chemistry in action.

If English is taking over the world, how come we work so hard to make sure people here, you know, WHERE IT LIVES, don't have to speak it?

The problem with the article and follow-up questions is not that chemists have not long known and acknowledged their roots in alchemy, it's the attempt to add legitimacy to the occult roots of same, ignoring the obvious fact that it was Christian thought that moved it from mystical to practical.

Then someone needs to go on a diet.

Science in the dock? - or bad politics.

Food police should SHUT UP!

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