Friday, September 29, 2006


Because Someone Has To Link

Whadda ya think? 10 Beliefs of an Unhealthy Faith (HT: 42) I tend to agree in principal, but think it needs more nuance. I keep thinking "Almost, but...."

Ahhh, sweet reason. But considering a countersuit is just wrong. But here is more of that sweet stuff.

Right now, my skin is crawling, no kidding, literally crawling off my body. Debt for Jesus! This is a wonderful idea. Half the friggin' county up to their eyeballs in high-interest, have-to-refinance-the-house-to-keep-bankruptcy-at-bay credit card debt, and the church is going to encourage them. Oh good.

Speaking of Christianity in bad taste....

I once heard a tokamak described as trying to "hold jello with rubber bands," so when China reports a "successful" tokamak test, I get excited. All they did was produce a plasma. Great guys, now get one that is self-sustaining and energy productive. Most people in the western world have given up on tokamaks.

Because I am not the only one that tells jokes on Friday.

Don't you love the history of technology!

This just strikes me as a way to avoid work. What can you do with those things?

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