Saturday, September 30, 2006


Everybody's Linkin' For The Weekend

I am proud to report that I did some consulting with several companies that helped build this thing. I had always figured when I studied chemistry that I had left my dreams of space exploration behind, little did I know. But I have to tell you, that headline sounds like it is on a dermatological expedition.

People fish, people drink, weird stuff happens.

Oh come on, they're not that bad. Although, practical jokes have been known to happen with them.Sealed

Vitally important game cheats - no seriously.

Think I'll stick to reading them, not becoming them, although the ingenuity is amazing.

How to turn a beach into a pizza.

The difference between nanotechnology and chemistry continues to elude me. Well, that is, other than one sounds old-and-busted and the other sounds new-and-hot-and-fundable.

Imagine that - trees grow at differing rates. Stop the friggin presses.

I know a snake or two that could catch him.

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