Tuesday, September 12, 2006
From the Halls of Linkademia
Al Mohler on the recent Baylor study on religion in America.
ABOMINATION Making an ugly dog both unhappy, and uglier.
Pork Fat Rules I'm pretty sure Emeril Lagasse was behind this.
Cool - animated superheroes do look a bit wimpy.
This hurts to read. Raw sewage is real pollution. But the people fighting the pollution - they want to re-terraform everything. How about just putting in some quality sewage treament and letting it heal itself? No, what am I saying!? - That would be reasonable, and not nearly controlling enough.
I present this picture from Centcom, just because our military has the coolest toys.
This is beyond stupid.
I like this Pope - a lot!
Good court decision on the money, wrong reasoning. Although, they should probabaly take the child away from the woman for its own mental health.
This would be funny in a movie - but I'm not sure about reality.
Most elaborate homework dodging ruse in history.
Related Tags: Mohler, images, idols, environment, pollution, military, joke, humor
"If I know your image of God, I can tell all kinds of things about you." That profoundly accurate statement was made by Professor Paul Froese... [emphasis added]Once again, Al does not think through what he says.
Deut 4:25 - "When you become the father of children and children's children and have remained long in the land, and act corruptly, and make an idol in the form of anything, and do that which is evil in the sight of the LORD your God so as to provoke Him to anger, [emphasis again added]We are nt supposed to have images - they automatically limit God.
ABOMINATION Making an ugly dog both unhappy, and uglier.
Pork Fat Rules I'm pretty sure Emeril Lagasse was behind this.
Cool - animated superheroes do look a bit wimpy.
This hurts to read. Raw sewage is real pollution. But the people fighting the pollution - they want to re-terraform everything. How about just putting in some quality sewage treament and letting it heal itself? No, what am I saying!? - That would be reasonable, and not nearly controlling enough.

This is beyond stupid.
I like this Pope - a lot!
Good court decision on the money, wrong reasoning. Although, they should probabaly take the child away from the woman for its own mental health.
This would be funny in a movie - but I'm not sure about reality.
Most elaborate homework dodging ruse in history.
Related Tags: Mohler, images, idols, environment, pollution, military, joke, humor