Friday, September 15, 2006
LInky Links

A reason to vote Republican - Leading Democrats make no sense whatsoever.
Finally, an environmental movemment I can support unreservedly.
The Boar's Head Tavern at work? Ask them!
Now I'm ticked - George knows I would have loved this, and yet, no invitation. The story was obviously written by a musical idiot, carefully identifying Fats Domino like he was a Vegas lounge singer and Herbie Hancock's "Watermelon Man" like it was the first time anyone ever heard it.
For the record - Chernobyl is not a "city" - it's a power plant - Pripyat is the nearby city. That David got it wrong is understandable, he's not been there. That the Russian site with the great pictures did, must be a translation error.
A list of churchs I will never attend - couldn't get past the signs. (HT: If I Should Fall From Grace...)
So, you can't use it for a drain plug? I'll remember that next time I take a bath the size of the solar system.
Sometimes the UK press doesn't get us. The Evangelicals they site here are largely not "traditional Republican voting" Oops!
The problem with the prophetic.
Try not to laugh to ironically. Speaking of which, looks like acid rain could solve global warming. There's the horns of a dilemma for you.
Related Tags: politics, beer, dog poop, Chernobyl, environment, joke, humor, wisecrack