Monday, September 11, 2006
You've seen it in the side bar for a while, Blogotional is participating in 2,996 today to remember those that died. The lovely Mrs. Blogotional has written our tribute:
Not long after 9/11 I purchased the book "Portraits 9/11/01", the collected "Portraits of Grief" from the New York Times. I was hoping to find a way to somehow connect with all those people who had perished that day. I would read the small paragraphs, that tried to encapsulate a life and I would know that each small paragraph encompassed a world. Now for the tribute offered today on Eileen Flecha I turned once more to my "Portraits" book and other tributes on the Internet.
Eileen it said, always wanted to be punctual and instead of going early to vote that day, she chose to arrive at work on time and leave voting for later. She lived with her mom and step dad in the Kew Gardens section of Queens and worked for Fiduciary Trust in the South Tower. Eileen?s fiancé Ivan Perez worked in the same building a few floors above Eileen, he also perished. They were to be married in July. They were in the process of choosing a home and Eileen's parents had purchased furniture in anticipation of the new home. Eileen was a Yankee's fan and a horror-movie aficionado. She also showed her strength of character as reported by her mother to Fred Carroll, Daily Press.
There really aren?t adequate words to talk about the loss to families and friends of those who died on 9/11. Loved ones were with them in the morning, and then they were gone that evening. At the end of a Newsday piece about Eileen Flecha, by Jennifer Smith it mentions the family dog, Hannibal. "Hannibal", it says, "sleeps in her bedroom at night and by day stands sentry at the front door, waiting for his mistress to come home from work."
We remember Eileen Flecha today.
Eileen was engaged, and her fiance also died on that fateful day. His 2996 tribute is here.
Related Tags: 9 11, 2,996, remember, memorial, Eileen Flecha
Eileen it said, always wanted to be punctual and instead of going early to vote that day, she chose to arrive at work on time and leave voting for later. She lived with her mom and step dad in the Kew Gardens section of Queens and worked for Fiduciary Trust in the South Tower. Eileen?s fiancé Ivan Perez worked in the same building a few floors above Eileen, he also perished. They were to be married in July. They were in the process of choosing a home and Eileen's parents had purchased furniture in anticipation of the new home. Eileen was a Yankee's fan and a horror-movie aficionado. She also showed her strength of character as reported by her mother to Fred Carroll, Daily Press.
Her mother tried to persuade Flecha many times after the 1993 bombing to find a job outside the World Trade Center. Flecha refused, telling her mother she had not raised a coward. Telling her mother the terrorists won if she ran. Mother and daughter spoke by phone shortly after the airliners crashed into the World Trade Center. Flecha cried, she told her mother to take care of her step dad if she didn?t live. "This is my daughter," Morris said. "She made me proud to be her mother."Other tributes mentioned that she was a caring, supportive co-worker and warm and caring sister.
There really aren?t adequate words to talk about the loss to families and friends of those who died on 9/11. Loved ones were with them in the morning, and then they were gone that evening. At the end of a Newsday piece about Eileen Flecha, by Jennifer Smith it mentions the family dog, Hannibal. "Hannibal", it says, "sleeps in her bedroom at night and by day stands sentry at the front door, waiting for his mistress to come home from work."
We remember Eileen Flecha today.
Eileen was engaged, and her fiance also died on that fateful day. His 2996 tribute is here.
Related Tags: 9 11, 2,996, remember, memorial, Eileen Flecha