It's beginning to look like I am NEVER going to run out of people that hung around
the Defenders, isn't it. That's one of the reasons I started this series, They are simply a treasure trove of all that is Mighty Marvel. And look this week, I managed to find a Defenders cover that depicts this week's hero that showed up in that title on occasion -
Luke Cage, Power Man. Luke Cage was created as Marvel's response to blaxploitation movies,...
Which, I think, just like those films themselves, made him tons of fun. Check out that yellow and blue costume! - I

sometimes wonder if the entire clothing scene of the disco era can be traced this this character. Somewhere, deep in the recesses of my collection is this origin issue.
Luke is most famous for being the first black hero to have his own title. There were black heros before him, but he was the first to get his own book. I must confess that I was always surprized that he was not vilified by the black community, because he was so stereotypilcally "black" but today that would juts make him another rapper.
My favorite incarnation was when he teamed with Iron Fist as you see below. The interplay between the two characters, both more type than character in their origins. allowed them to develop into well-rounded full formed characters.
Of course, the big news regarding Luke is there is a movie in the offing.

Which may account
for his radically new look as you see below. Let's face it, no one is going to dress up in that disco outfit anymore, and he does bear a striking resemblance to a certain snake killer, don't you think? (but then so does Nick Fury in the "Ultimate Avengers" - a story for another time)

Related Tags:
comic books,
comic art,
Luke Cage,
Power Man,
The Defenders
# posted by John Schroeder @ 10/21/2006 05:30:00 AM