Sunday, October 08, 2006


For Link's Sake

A church indicts itself
The half-hour service focuses on the special relationships people have with their animals, says Rev. Mark Lingle.

"At our church there are a number of people who are single or who have lost a loved one, and their pet is one of their primary relationships," he said.
Shouldn't the church be supplying the relational support in such circumstances?

There is a difference between religious neutrality and religious oppression.

Could things get worse than they did with Terri Schiavo? - yeah, a lot worse.

Germon lawyers are actually worse than American lawyers. Although someone here will follow suit very quickly, I have no doubt.

Yep - that's me! there on the right - at least according to this. Find your type here. (HT: Kruse Kronicle)

Maybe not the dumbest human that has ever lived, but certainly in contention.

Too many wisecrack possibilities to actually settle on just one. I do think the guy needs a date.

This is good - it's not so easy to find 19" British bayonets these days - now I know just where to shop.

Whatta ya know? - that knife cuts both ways.

You know, it might be simpler than they think.

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