Monday, October 23, 2006


I'm Actually Home Links...

...but with GodBlogCon starting Thursday, not for long.

The wonderful logic of climate science. Glaciers are metling making fresh water, and yet, there is no drinking water becasue of climate change. 'Cuse me, I'm a bit dizzy.

Besides, what's really happening is that the earth is turning into the Fantastic Four.

One of the wiser things Holy Coast has ever said
This effort by the Dems is not about saving the planet. It's about winning control of Congress, and if they can convince evangelicals that global warming is more important than the many issues upon which most evangelicals vigorously disagree with the Dems, they'll get the votes they're looking for and we'll all lose.
It's funny Evangelicals are moving in that direction when science is going the other way.

OMG, we're all gonna die.

Religion and God in America. (HTL Justin Taylor) I truly dislike the "god" survey - it creates false divisions, God is both "authoritarian" and "benevolent" for example.
LogoThere are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Sadly, I am a commoner. (HT: In the Agora)

Go to church, buy a Chrysler? BHT says it can't be parodied, agreed, I am to preoccupied crying.


My guess is that given the weather in Toronto - it's a snake popsicle by now.

There are geeks then there is the Ultimate Geek.

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