Monday, October 09, 2006
In It's Guise As Mild-Mannered Links
It's official - Kim Jog Il is missing his father, so he cried as best he could "Daddy, look at me, look at me" Less than 4-kiloton yield - not much in the way of fuel there, or they are having a real hard time purifying it.
Yeah, but by blocking the sun, shouldn't it help with global warming?
I mean that is the greatest scourge to face mankind ever isn't it? Wait, what am I saying - it is a scourge of solar system proportions.
This is amazing (HT: Greenie Watch)
Meanwhile, on the indoor air front - I guess we have to change centuries of relgious practice because after all, the art in those churches is more meaningful than that which it celebrates.
Out-of-context, maybe, but wise, very wise.
Anecdotal evidence of the problems with social welfare. Please take note Jim Wallis, et. al.
Just because I like linking to people quoting Plantinga.
I'm no fan of contemporary worship music, but this is kinda funny. I have this image of highland warriors in my mind....
Scary cars? Well, in the case of the "Thing" and Aztec, I have to agree.
Why not just use the twist top?
And you thought farts were useless.
Related Tags: Nort Korea nuke, environment, global warming, air quality, freedom of speech, worship music, Plantinga, joke, humor, wisecrack
Yeah, but by blocking the sun, shouldn't it help with global warming?

This is amazing (HT: Greenie Watch)
Whoever thought that serious commentators would want it made illegal to have a row about the weather? One Australian columnist has proposed outlawing ?climate change denial?. ?David Irving is under arrest in Austria for Holocaust denial?, she wrote. ?Perhaps there is a case for making climate change denial an offence. It is a crime against humanity, after all.? Others have suggested that climate change deniers should be put on trial in the future, Nuremberg-style, and made to account for their attempts to cover up the "global warming" Holocaust?.Do these people even come close to understanding will happen to the quality of life on this planet, the subsequent increase in suffering, and the resultant loss of human life that would result from adopting all their greenie proposals? Which is the real crime against humanity?
Meanwhile, on the indoor air front - I guess we have to change centuries of relgious practice because after all, the art in those churches is more meaningful than that which it celebrates.
Out-of-context, maybe, but wise, very wise.
Anecdotal evidence of the problems with social welfare. Please take note Jim Wallis, et. al.
Just because I like linking to people quoting Plantinga.
I'm no fan of contemporary worship music, but this is kinda funny. I have this image of highland warriors in my mind....
Scary cars? Well, in the case of the "Thing" and Aztec, I have to agree.
Why not just use the twist top?
And you thought farts were useless.
Related Tags: Nort Korea nuke, environment, global warming, air quality, freedom of speech, worship music, Plantinga, joke, humor, wisecrack