Wednesday, October 11, 2006


It's A Bird, It's A Plane, It's A Link

Online Bible Study tools. (HT: 42) Because sometimes the one in my PDA isn't enough when I'm on the road.


Pure fear-mongering and bureacracy construction. It's not the "chemical," (I would remind you water is a chemical) it never is, it's how it's used and handled.

The harnessing of firem along with the whell marks the beginning of civilization, but if you are a global warming activist, if it burns it's bad, without respect to how much or under what conditions.

Speaking of global warming, I thought we understood all of this already. There can be no new studies!

Also on global warming, read this and the link therein carefully. When you understand it, you will have achieved global warming understanding grasshopper.

Great point.

Reading crap like this and this is enough to make me gain my weight back just to defy this jerks! Sex with the same gender, that's being judgemental, but being fat - now that's a moral dilemma. God help us all.

In the words of Laura Ingraham - SHUT UP AND SING - just not in my presence, I don't particularly care for her music.

The perfect Christimas gift. (HT: Holy Coast and The Corner) I'll let you decide who for...

I quit in college and learned to print fast when taking notes - I could't read it.

It made me chuckle.

Insert your own joke about what American politicians will not be allowed to visit here.

There are some that say this is how my wife found me.

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