Saturday, October 28, 2006


You May Never See These Links...

...Blogger is misbehaving.

I have to agree about the specific issue addressed here. But the proviso must be added, genetic and reproductive science has moral consequencesa to be avoided as well. Improving human life by genetic manipulation of non-sentient is a miracle of human ingenutiy, but when we get to the sentient, constraint must be the order of the day. The temptation to usurp the role of God is too strong.

There's cool, there's macho - then there is way too much money.

For fans of my wife's Kitty Kartoons: This looks like one and acts like the other.

You figure it out.

Would that this were funny.

In California, this would be a major environmental violation, resulting in penaltie, fines, PI lawsuits, and other nasties.


Take that organic food fans!

A Prebyterian explosion.

Everybody is an Elvis Fan

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