I'm betting you've had enough with
The Defenders already. It is only reluctnantly that I give up the series, there is so much more territory that we could cover, but I've been at it a long time. I am tempted to move back to DC Comics for a while, but a reader a while back suggested a series that is just too rich not to pursue -
Spidey Villians."Back in the day" particularly the '60's but into the 70's as well, all the classic Spidey villians were devised, Goblin,
et.al. - but alongside those classics there were some real lamos. Comics being what they are many of these lamos have been recycled, reimagined and reused, sometimes to good effect, and sometimes with their essential lameness intact. Regardless, it seems like a bit of fun to look into them.

Arrayed before you here are images of the
Living Brain. The name alone is so corny has to be beyond comprehension. Given how little the character has shown up, I think it fair to say
even Marvel itself finds the thing kind of lame. There is little to say actually, the pictures, I think, speak for themselves. Spidey blew this guy away so easily, and he poses so little threat that well, he's just lame.

Related Tags:
comic art,
comic books,
Spidey villians,
Living Brain
# posted by John Schroeder @ 11/11/2006 05:30:00 AM