Friday, November 10, 2006



I love the book of Eccelesiates. But, if this post from Reformation Theology is to be believed, I am somewhat unique in that fondness. The post linked above makes the case that the book, perceived by many to be somewhat antithetical to the gospel, is in fact directly in line with basic gospel principles. I could not agree more, although I must say I cannot state the case in quite such a high-falutin' manner.

I want to put it this simply - the book says in essence, that ALL things of this world are vanity in light of the glory and wisdom of God. I know of no book that gives me a better perspective on all aspects of my life than Eccesiates. Why, because the book creates perspective, which is the very heart of wisdom. Further that perspective is very straightforward.

Simply put, nothing in this world, NOTHING!, is of sufficient value to warrant setting aside the pursuit of God's higher purpose. Not cathedrals, not churches, not wealth, not politics, not love, nore money. These things and so much more are vanity, save when they are subjected to God's higher purpose and authority. They are not the end.

This is no call to poverty, hardly when coming from the wealthiest of Israel's kings. No - it is a call to perspective. It is a call to knowing what is important and what is not. It is a call to knowing how to deal with the less important in light of the important.

Eccelesiates is the greatest guard against idolatry in scripture. It points out how anything, anything at all can become the idol that stands between us and God. You know, the problem with idols is often not that they are false gods, but that they are substitutes for the true God. When we worship church growth instead of Jesus, we commit idolatry, even though we seek church growth in Jesus name. When we make our focus evangelism instead of Christ, we commit idolatry, even though we seek to evangelize people to Christ.

That is the essential message of Eccelsiates, it is, in my opinion the most important message the church today can hear. Take a stab, read that book. I try to at least once a year.

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