Sunday, November 05, 2006


Just A Closer Link To Thee

Brad on humility. Perhaps the most lacking characteristic in Christians today. Jollyblogger discusses the consequences of that failure.

Al Mohler on science, religion and epistimology.

The problem with reader reviews and other such things on places like Amazon. Go down tot he reviews...I am sure someone thought they were being funny - guess again.

Speaking of Spiritual Warfare. Speaking of which, note the sensationalism in this story, comparing a call to civil disobedience to a call to violent action. Anybody remember a completely pacifist civil activist that raised civil disobedience to an art form? - You know, Martin Luther King.

I'm sorry, but it took one sick ($#*$(&^ to even make this suggestion. Thanks to the Waffling Anglican for pointing it out and answering it.

I have no idea how God will judge me on this, but an orderly and civil death for Hussein is all about us staying civil, regardless of the fact that it falls very short of justice.

Andrew Sullivan - towering intellect?

Great moments in bureacratic history.


Ah, the inventive soul. (HT: In The Agora)

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