Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Links In The Wind, All We Are Is Links In The Wind

One of Scotwise's better mini-sermons

Unfortunately, this reflects most Christians:

(HT: BHT) Oh, and by the way, Joker would be miserable.

Speaking of deep faith mysteries - the Bible saves, but the Holy Spirit does not. This goes to show you God is operating on levels we cannot comprehend.

And this is soooo helpful.

Fear-mogering, with the caveat waiting until paragraph 4. Fact: Only one "chemical" is shown to casue neurobehavioral problems in children - lead - and then only when directly ingested in significant quantities, not from mere environmental exposure. A reasoned response.

Will someone tell me what global warming does NOT threaten?! Surely there is something? - Anyone...Anyone. Nothing? And there is no exaggeration involved? Amazing.

I wanna see - Dad can I see? - I wanna look!

With the election over, there is time to waste -- here -- here

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