Sunday, November 19, 2006


Spectacular Spider Links

Will the third world save the first?
European churches are embracing Asian, Caribbean and African preachers...
It takes someone that legitimately loves the Lord to spread that love.

International corruption. The UN must form a panel, hearing, NGO's must be formed, THIS IS HUGE. Actually, I was once ticketed for parking in a handcapped spot when it was the only spot available in the parking lot...I darn near sued for restraint for free trade.

Speaking of crimes of the century. You know, sometimes the alledged value of a product is becasue the buyers are not eh brightest bulbs in the four-pack, not becasue of an inherent value. I don't think these would have moved too well with the fence.

Thank goodness it is not our government dollars at work.

What about "Forbidden Planet"? or "Lost In Space"?

Need to add "Do you love the cat more than me?"

For the automotive racing fan. Although any of the several histories of the Indidnapolis 500 are well worth the time.

Wanna earn a quick $9000.00? Give me a break.

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