Monday, November 20, 2006



Ethanol has some potential as an alternative fuel source - it does burn cleaner than gasoline and for that reason it is worth considering, but asking for money for providing food corn? Give me a break - the government now pays people NOT to grow it because we produce it in such abundance. Most of the corn grown is used as animal feed anyway and meat consumption is down. Come on guys, if you're gonna lobby, lobby smart.

Captain Ed looks at global warming - a press phenomena? Let's see, that would make the "scientists" that study it press whores...Oh, I shouldn't say that, press helps bring in the grants and the grants pay the bills, even if the science is, well, less than outstanding.

Laer makes on heck of a point.

This is awful, just awful. When choosing betwwen immediate death by fire and potential death decades later by cancer, she's gonna take the fire? And this
All this is not to say that furniture fires don't pose a danger. According to a recent report from the commission, 560 Americans died in house fires that started in upholstered furniture in 2003. But by contrast, cancer killed more than 500,000.
Precisely how many of those cancer cases are related to the fire retardant in question? Oh, you can't say because a direct casual connection has never been established? Hmmm... MAYBE THAT'S WHY THE MATERIAL HAS NEVER NEEN REGULATED!

Speaking of scares where there should not be any. In case you don't know there are many, many kinds of radioactivity in varying doses. Most of it completely harmless unless you sleep on a bed of it every night for decades.

A realistic look at this Israeli shale oil thing. $17/barrel oil - bad, would involve strip mining - Much prefereably to leave Islamic terror facctories in charge of most of the world's supply. But then, most environmentalisst have never been accused of seeing the big picture.

Once again -- politics masquerades as science.

The biggest nuke bomb ever. Remarkable footage, remarkably uninformative narrative.

With the Dems back in charge, you can almost feel the '60's in the air. I think this may be the very definition of narcicism.

I't a holiday week, waste some time.

If you're a gauy. you'll like this, just cause.

A direct attack on blogging.

Time to start selling the ad space on our foreheads.

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