Thursday, December 07, 2006
70's Soul Links
Tolerance can be exercised only by those who have well-grounded convictions... Those who have no such convictions, but who espouse polite doubt, agnosticism, skepticism, or downright nihilism, can only be indifferent, not tolerant.Doubt it. Can't be verified since it dates to about 300 years to late. There is a reason reliquaries cannot be authenticated. (HT: Justin Taylor)
I wish I was important enough to have people read things like this for me and give me the gist, but alas, all I have for such purposes is talk radio. I'll get to it when I can, but in the interim I have tried to sample the comment enough to say something intelligent. If you weren't around for Vietnam, I could see where this stuff would be seductive, but I was and the ISG report is defeatist pure and simple. Are conditions in Iraq adverse - YES - but I thought we were the nation of Vince Lombardi, you know, "When the going gets tough..." If we, as individuals, lived our lives as this thing suggests we conduct our military engagements, we'd all be living in our parents basement. -- It's Pearl Harbor day, if we reacted then like this thing proposes we'd all be goose-stepping.
Think what you will...He's the best.
Blogging matters
True motivations revealed?
Food for environmental thought.
Finally, China enforces some sort of environmental regulation.
To my preacher friends...I triple-dog-dare you. Just be sure to post it.
You know, if you decorated it for Christmas...
Proof of life on Mars? Looks like someone peed.
Why are images of "The Wizard of Oz" dancing in my mind?
What every kid needs for Christmas.
Was it really necessary to be that specific?
Pigs fly - into trouble. Me, I just want some ham and sausage, maybe a lovely pork shoulder roast.
Related Tags: tolerance, Apostle Paul, ISG report, Bob Knight, joke, humor, wisecrack, sarcasm