Saturday, December 16, 2006


Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Link

This still makes my heart swell

Sometimes I hate our legal system because of how it controverts logic. The very concept of a somehow "uncruel" death penalty is just asinine. Of course it is cruel, the point IS that it is cruel. It is also the only acceptable societal response to genuine evil, which is real and amongst us. Personally, there are some for whom drawing and quartering would be too humane.

I am going to get in a lot of trouble for saying this, but this is not cool. I think the handicapped people ought to wear a sign that says, "I forced the government to force you to at least act politely. Was that polite?" Here's a hint, coercion, government or otherwise, is defintionally impolite.

When will they be on the showroom floor, and where do I make a deposit?

Ive always thought "reporter with sense of humor" was an oxymoron, but not anymore. Check this:
At Wheaton North High School the mission is to create self-directed students who make sound decisions. Last week one of those students decided to do the unthinkable when officials say he spiked a container of cafeteria salad dressing with his own semen.
It took actual intelligence to write that paragraph.

Speaking of which, the "smartest" are also the most liberal. That says that either we have a very perverted view of "smart" or education is no longer worth it.

Beautiful and cool.

Yes, it's true, I used to be grossly obese, enormously fat, but NO!, despite the rumors, never like this. Next to him, I looked like Nicole Ritchie, which is why I hung out with him a lot...

Fascinating, Captain.

Th new James Bond?

I wonder if he was chased into a windmill by villagers with pitchforks and torches?

How come it's cute at 2, and my wife throws things at me when I say it?

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