Monday, December 04, 2006


I Do Mondays Links

This is amazing, science has become as confused about what it is as religion. Any "consensus" is definitionally political in nature. Science makes conclusions, it does not build a consensus. When it comes to global warming, there simply are no conclusions to its casues or what, if any, corrective actions might be called for. Trying to confuse consensus with conclusion is how we are getting into this mess. Joe Carter takes a different tack on the same question.

We've looked at it before, but as a reminder, the politics are getting really ugly.

Here's some anecdotal evidence of the confusion.

Symbolism over substance, global warming as marketing tool. 13 planes only, London airports only, December only - not much impact there, save on the ground traffic control at Heathrow.

Hold on! - I thought we believed in evolution? Shouldn't the plants adapt to climate change on their own? Why do we need to "develop" new ones? Because it about squeezng money our of people and governments? Maybe??? While wondering, consider this - and not because I consider "air capture" to be a good idea.

That must have been an interesting phone call.

Conclusion: Global Warming is every lefty's dream - they can make us give up our cars and our meat.

It's a fish, it's a carbon based life form. Antibiotics are carbon based. Sounds organic to me, what's the beef here?

This is not good. Nations are founded to establish and maintain the rights of men - not animals. Don't you at least have to sentient to have political rights? By the way, forgive this incredibly sexist comment, but why are all the people pictured women?

Cool - too bad Muslims and Jews will fight over a Christian church.

IF you take your fantasy life way too seriously, have I got a map for you. Live long and prosper!

The best way yet to see London.

Time-waster, with an excellent sense of humor.

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