Saturday, December 02, 2006


Salt Pea-Links (with apologies to Dizzy)

Life evolved in a meteor and crashed on earth. I don't know where to begin -- SciFi movies, there's a basis for a creation myth, but God forbid using the Bible.

Interesting look at economics. From my perspective it's a good analysis, but unease results from the question - can an iPod economy be sustained? Lots of money for little product, demand not value drives the economy. What happens when people lose confidence? Isn't that how crashes develop?

What do you think God will do with Benny Hinn - and his ilk? Never been more tempted to turn over a few tables....

It's Saturday, waste some time.

I knew that...

Mixologists? - Try chemistry student... I could tell some tales.

Honey, This is the best barbequed armadillo ever, crunchy, but delicious.

If the sceintists are puzzled, how do you think the penguins feel?

All I want for Christmas

Can't wait for the lawsuits on this one.

Quick, call Napolean, this is his chance.

So weird you have to watch:

Although, it makes me want to hear a full Metallica cover version (HT: Frater Libertas)

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